Saturday, December 6, 2008

For Nothing is Impossible

"For nothing will be impossible with God. And Mary said, "I am the servant of the Lord, let it be to me as you have said." Luke 1:37-38

Every December, as I read the Christmas story in Luke, I find myself savoring these verses. Mary had just been told that she, a virgin, would 1)conceive a child, and 2)that this child would be the son of GOD! Wow! Talk about impossible! But the truth that lies in this verse is so profound, so deep, so hope-giving....NOTHING is impossible with God.
All throughout my life I've had struggles with my own "impossibles". Would I ever meet a man I'd want to marry...and have him like me? Will my bills always be met? Would hard relationships be reconciled? Could those deep hurts and patterns in my life be healed and forgotten?
Over and over again God has continued to answer: "I can do it, believe me", "I can do it, look to me", "I can do it, follow me!"
Just last year at this time I sat in our quaint one-bedroom apartment, with a baby in my belly, wondering how we'd EVER be able to afford to rent a two-bedroom in West LA. I felt God asking me to trust Him, to believe Him to work something glorious. And here I sit today, in the most beautiful four-bedroom home...which we attained by miraculous measures! Praise God!

And Mary? Well Mary was on the front-end of the most awesome and perfect miracle of all time, with no ability to see into the future. She had only the truth told her by an angel...for nothing is impossible with God. And she believed! She laid down everything and let God do to her and with her whatever He pleased. What humility! What trust! So beautiful.

Lord, I long for a heart like Mary's. You are the God of the impossible. May it be done to me as you please!

As we decorate our beautiful tree, hang lights, shop for presents, loudly sing our favorite Christmas carols, and enjoy delicious treats, I'm so thankful for the most cherished part of all...His birth. God sending his only Son to save us! Each December as I plod through the book of Luke in the Bible, I eagerly anticipate reading and remembering how Jesus came, lived, died and rose again to save us.
I'll be there soon, but for today, I'm observant of Mary's attitude...and prompted to follow her example. Will you help me Lord?