Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not So Sleepless In Seattle

Last week Joe traveled to Seattle for some meetings. Noelle and I flew to meet him and spend a couple days with some of our co-workers there. I was nervous about traveling alone with Noey...driving to and parking our car in LA, flying out of LAX, and being the sole comforter should she have a mid-flight melt down. And what would I do if I had to sit next to some weird man and needed to nurse??!! (smile). Having already 'survived' sleeping alone at home the night murderers arrived with Joe gone (hee!), I knew who to turn to as I drove off that morning. I prayed to our big God that he would be our "man", our protector, and my companion today. He answered!! I don't know if I've ever had such a smooth travel as I did that day. I found the long-term parking with ease, had to pay no extra for my baggage, flew through security, ended up with whole row to myself on the flight, and Noey slept the whole time. Praise God!

Once in Seattle, we had fun taking in all the sights. Seattle was everything I imagined it to be...beautiful, cool, misty, and grey. I loved the rolling hills, the water that surrounded the city, and especially the Pike Place Market! Pike Place Market is home to the very first Starbucks, many eccentric shops and restaurants, and the fish market. The fish market was truly a sight to see. Scruffy-looking men in plastic aprons hollered, cheered, and threw fish around. Crowds gathered to watch these men work, and people would buy seafood just to see their routine.
Sometimes the customers would even get into the act.

Every now and then, the men would surprise the newcomers in the crowd by throwing a giant fish at them! I shrieked the first time this happened...and then realized the giant fish was a fish pillow. Hee! It was still sick, however, as it was covered with fish juice from the floor. ugh!

Noey, was not so impressed with all the antics. In fact, she would cry every time they started up their chant. Not cut out for life as a sea fisherman I guess...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

joy! so wonderful! I will be in Seattle in three weeks to visit my brother! Hooray :) It's actually an answer to prayer, as I asked God for the time and money to go see him (it's been a year) and three days later my parents called out of the blue and said, "let's go to Seattle and we have left over voucher money for your plane ticket." God is so good!

I'm excited to visit the Pike Place Market and see these fish flying around. Hopefully I'll have less tears than little noey. . .although it was so cute to watch :)